
The Glass Ceiling

I'm divorced. During my divorce I intentionally scrubbed my casual conversation of all personal details about my future ex because if I mentioned his hair color, men with that hair color would act like "I'm in like Flynn!" and men with other hair colors would act like kicked puppies, as if I had just buttonholed them, called them by name and said "Fuck you in particular. I will NEVER date you!" To me it always looked amazingly stupid. As someone once said to me "Why not assume the opposite? She's DIVORCING (guy with that hair color)! She'll never want a man with that hair color AGAIN! She HATES (that hair color)!" After scrubbing my language of ALL personal details about any guy I ever had any romantic connection to no matter how slight, I got more satisfactory results. Men no longer prescreened themselves based on incredibly unimportant details like hair color. They had to really talk to me and get to know me and I was much happier with ho

The Price of Beauty

Abortion Rights Et Al

Planning for Bob's Retirement

Men Being Weird

Diplomacy has to be deeper than PC language

Male Culture meets Female Culture. Ends Badly.

Dressing for Success

There's no time for us. There's no place for us.


Two Questions on AskFeminists

Female Founders
