Quit trying to talk to misandrist bitches publicly dragging men on the same platform that told me that being the highest ranked woman on Hacker News didn't qualify for an AMA because it wasn't significant.
No one there thinks I know fuck all about talking to men in tech and there's zero means to establish credibility with these BITCHES who constantly DRAG men online like they are too FUCKING STUPID to figure out the Internet is PUBLIC and the men they are DRAGGING can read it and often probably are.
Now watch one of these AMAZINGLY stupid cunts post this to their shitty misandrist forum and DRAG me while everyone there pats each other on the back for how CLEVER they are for finding it while failing to see the meta message that I'm right about their idiotic sexist misandrist shooting themselves in the foot chronic behavior problems on their toxic forum full of hatred for men and utter lack of any fucking logic whatsoever.
Or WOULD if I HADN'T said that.
Fuck you stupid cunt and the horse you rode in on.