Male Culture meets Female Culture. Ends Badly.

Men who do this usually relax after I've proven myself.

As noted previously on this blog, in Male Culture, newcomers start as NOTHING and EARN status. See any movie ever made about military boot camp (Ex: An Officer and a Gentleman).

Female Culture starts with faux respect, then tears you down to see what's left standing, a la Mean Girls.

Furthermore, both Female Culture and MBA type people are all about social shit. AKA manipulating people.

Science is about real world stuff regardless of what people think or do. Once you prove to men you know your shit about that stuff, they will trust your expertise.

Odds are high no one who knows anything sciency or having to do with industry or real world anything that cannot be manipulated by social BS has zero respect for Ms. MBA and she has no hope of gaining their respect because most people interested in social stuff aren't at all like me, which is part of why soft sciences like psychology are so bad.

There are ways to get solid social tidbits you can actually trust but it's tough. Most psychological experiments or studies are GARBAGE because it involves self reporting and/or people who know it's a study or experiment do not behave "naturally."

Even animals out in the wild behave differently once they figure out it's some weird thing humans do and not real life. If I recall correctly, the second time you set traps to capture animals in a particular area after doing a catch, tag and release thing gets a high percentage of recaptures and it likely gets worse with subsequent incidents.

The animals learn they won't be harmed, so it's basically free food for them.

Anyway, Female Culture is heavily influenced by the reality that most women have no real power of their own, so manipulating someone in power is the default norm for how they accomplish things. This is usually a man, often one they are related to or sleeping with, so basically it's not gotten on merit of any kind (and if she takes it too far, she can lose the privileged favors she's been relying on).

Men aren't stupid. They know women do this.

Does that mean there are people at work who respect and etc Ms. Science and she can just chill and stop job hunting? 

No clue.

But she's being torn down in front of people because that's Female Culture which is similar to how cheesy "sales" type stuff works, so it is Ms. MBA's area of strength AND also Ms. MBA she can't compete on merit.

If someone doesn't figure this out, it will very much harm the company. Though that could be too late to help Ms. Science.

But that's what's going on and why it's going on.