It's hard to find a path forward in this world, especially as a woman, because there will always be parts you can't see about someone else's success.
I spent some years trying to figure out how some female founder managed to date one of her male co-founders without it being a company-destroying debacle where the guys ended up fighting over the stupid prize of who gets the girl? while not noticing the company was going down in flames around them over it. It took ages and ages for me to piece together that the company grew out of the two of them dating, not the other way around.
And then she goes around giving bad advice to other women and, unfortunately, it would be deemed slander for me criticize it and say "Yeah, your accidental success is not a recipe other women can replicate and you aren't qualified to give advice. Please stop."
I don't have the money or other mojo to fight with these people -- and when I criticized her BY NAME on one of my blogs, multiple of my blogs were TAKEN DOWN by reporting attacks -- so I just tread lightly while feeling like "Women are never going to get anywhere when so many of the ones who are supposedly successful are not going to really tell the truth about how they got there and are running around giving advice based on their fantasy of how things went, not actual reality."
Lucille Ball and her husband were The Star Wars of their era in terms of revolutionizing the tech side of the film industry. It's why you see I Love Lucy in reruns do often: It was the FIRST TV show that had archival quality footage for all episodes from the start.
Before that, the actors broadcast two live shows per day for the East Coast and West Coast time zones and they made a poor quality recording for playng for the other two time slots for the middle of the country. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz didn't want to do that because their reason for changing the industry was they wanted to started a family together and couldn't do that while she went on location to make movies and he traveled with his band.
The reality is a lot of jobs make demands that only work if you are either single or you have some heternormative life where the little wifey will wait at home until he gets back or will go with him.
This expectation is a burden on the human race currently and holding us back. It's a problem for women and for the LGBTQ crowd and it's also a problem for men though in ways that are less obvious.
At the moment, far too many women -- even seemingly successful career women -- get the lion's share of their oney based on whom they sleep with. And it's a "dirty secret" that everyone knows and no one can speak of lest you piss off someone rich and powerful.
I spent some years trying to figure out how some female founder managed to date one of her male co-founders without it being a company-destroying debacle where the guys ended up fighting over the stupid prize of who gets the girl? while not noticing the company was going down in flames around them over it. It took ages and ages for me to piece together that the company grew out of the two of them dating, not the other way around.
And then she goes around giving bad advice to other women and, unfortunately, it would be deemed slander for me criticize it and say "Yeah, your accidental success is not a recipe other women can replicate and you aren't qualified to give advice. Please stop."
I don't have the money or other mojo to fight with these people -- and when I criticized her BY NAME on one of my blogs, multiple of my blogs were TAKEN DOWN by reporting attacks -- so I just tread lightly while feeling like "Women are never going to get anywhere when so many of the ones who are supposedly successful are not going to really tell the truth about how they got there and are running around giving advice based on their fantasy of how things went, not actual reality."
Lucille Ball and her husband were The Star Wars of their era in terms of revolutionizing the tech side of the film industry. It's why you see I Love Lucy in reruns do often: It was the FIRST TV show that had archival quality footage for all episodes from the start.
Before that, the actors broadcast two live shows per day for the East Coast and West Coast time zones and they made a poor quality recording for playng for the other two time slots for the middle of the country. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz didn't want to do that because their reason for changing the industry was they wanted to started a family together and couldn't do that while she went on location to make movies and he traveled with his band.
The reality is a lot of jobs make demands that only work if you are either single or you have some heternormative life where the little wifey will wait at home until he gets back or will go with him.
This expectation is a burden on the human race currently and holding us back. It's a problem for women and for the LGBTQ crowd and it's also a problem for men though in ways that are less obvious.
At the moment, far too many women -- even seemingly successful career women -- get the lion's share of their oney based on whom they sleep with. And it's a "dirty secret" that everyone knows and no one can speak of lest you piss off someone rich and powerful.