
I love a lot of Taylor Swift's music. This is a fun piece but it took me a long time to learn to enjoy it having nothing to do with the piece per se.

I initially associated it with people who treated me abusively, particularly one who became a mod at Metafilter and is likely the person who actually banned me.

I think prior to becoming mod, she had posted an Ask looking for support because she had run for local office -- school board, IIRC -- and she was not well received and people were ugly to her. It had gone so badly sideways that it involved, I think, police being called and possibly a restraining order being issued against someone.

Mefites were wonderfully supportive and told her "It's not your fault. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. Haters gonna hate." The above song is one of the things they recommended to help her cope with the emotional fall out.

She ate up their bullshit and was thrilled to pieces to embrace the message that her own behavior had absolutely NOTHING to do with how things went down and she was straight up a tragic victim of awful people through absolutely no fault whatsoever of her own.

This is the same group of people that actively bullied me in part because the moderating staff actively encouraged everyone to bully me and most folks just rolled over and did as they were told, some very enthusiastically, and then they told ME it was all my fault that I got mistreated. I was somehow the cause of their mistreatment of me.

So these folks had absolutely no logical consistency to their explanations for social phenemonon. If they liked you and other people mistreated you, they said you were a victim and it had NOTHING at all to do with YOUR behavior. If they didn't like you and they mistreated you, well they took zero responsibility for their choices and told you it was all on you that they behaved badly towards you.

Knowing how she acted on Metafilter, I'm pretty sure a large factor in the extremely negative reception she got from voters was at least partly because she was a holier-than-thou, awful person who felt she knew best for her "lessers" while pissing all over them. I'm pretty certain she was going around letting folks know they were idiots and now that her well-educated and otherwise Superior self was there, she would save them from their own stupidity and incompetence and they were welcome to kiss her ass in gratitude for this treatment.

But she was told she didn't need to change HER behavior at all. The negative reception she got was 100 percent bad behavior on the part of the people reacting so negatively to her and she should just "shake it off."

So for a long time, I just couldn't watch the above video because I associated it with the deeply abusive shit from Metafilter where I was bullied and told it was my fault they chose to crap all over a chronically ill homeless woman, meanwhile one of my abusers was told that people crapping all over her was entirely NOT her fault in the slightest.

I sometimes watch the above video these days and other things by Taylor Swift, but this experience was so negative that I have yet to completely wash off the ugly associations and it mars my feelings towards Taylor Swift.

Metafilter: Cesspit of the internet while the people there busily wrench their arm out of socket reaching around to pat themselves on the back over what wonderful folks they like to imagine they are.