
Many years ago, some woman with a PhD on some email list was being a terrible bitch to me. She would do amazingly shitty things like talk about attending college classes with walking pneumonia as if to imply that me having CF wasn't a serious impediment to me having a real career, I just wasn't trying hard enough or something.

CF is quite a lot more serious and impairing than a bout of pneumonia.

She was jealous because I was more popular and likable than her. Probably because I was NICE to people and not a chronic bitch to everyone every time I opened my mouth.

One day, she lit into me because I had a website. I was putting together information for free to make it easier to share wtih other people and me having a website and her not having a website was somehow my new crime du jour in her eyes.

In response to this ridiculous hissy fit, I told her there was nothing stopping her from making a website herself.

Some years later I tripped across a website for an organization she founded. No, of course, the bitch never thanked me for helping her get off her ass and do something more with her life than be a bitch to random internet strangers out of jealousy.

Jealousy is not about what other people have. It's about what you lack.

Tearing other people down is not a cure for jealousy. That's about like insisting other people starve because you are hungry and refusing to eat for some damn reason.

Just go eat something and quit being so hangry all the damn time.